WHAT I ATE IN A DAY (New York Vegan Eats #3)

DOWNLOAD MY EASY 60 VEGAN RECIPES EBOOK ►► What I ate in New York City as a vegan! This was my third full day (I believe) in New York and I literally went on a vegan food tour... It was incredible and super indulgent. I think I gained about ten

Healthy Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies

My Healthy Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies are a great healthy alternative to for those looking for a treat, but not the guilt. My secret to keeping it moist and chewy without eggs is using the canned liquid from chickpeas. It is also called aquafaba and it is becoming a trend

Easy Vegan Carrot Cake Bites

These nutty, gooey, spicy Carrot Cake Bites are made with all the ingredients in a classic carrot cake: carrots, raisins walnuts, coconut, cinnamon, and ginger. They make wonderful snacks throughout the day or are a perfect dessert. They are a delicious ice cream topping as well! Let's connect! º Website - º

HEALTHY CARROT CAKE BITES | Raw, Paleo, Gluten Free, Vegan!

THUMBS UP & SUBSCRIBE! -- Check Out more BFF Videos Here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel :) In today's video I'm sharing a yummy, easy recipe for raw carrot cake bites! They are made from whole food ingredients, don't contain any refined sugar or flour, and are

Peanut Butter Coconut Oatmeal Cookies//HCLF VEGAN

FULL RECIPE: - - - - - - FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @earthy.jane Pinterest: @JaneOliviaPins - - - - - - BLOG: - - - - - - CONTACT ME: - - - - - - MY RESOURCES: - - - - - - Michael Greger, M.D. - - - - - - John A. McDougall, M.D. - - - -

Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies//HCLF VEGAN

FULL RECIPE: - - - - - - FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @earthy.jane Pinterest: @JaneOliviaPins - - - - - - BLOG: - - - - - - CONTACT ME: - - - - - - MY RESOURCES: - - - - - - Michael Greger, M.D. - - - - - - John A. McDougall, M.D. - - - -


New Customers can get $5 off their first order at: The weather is getting hotter here in North America and so it is time to start eating lighter and healthier! These are some easy delicious vegan recipes that are light and healthy and perfect for the spring and summer time.


DOWNLOAD MY EASY 60 VEGAN RECIPES EBOOK ►► It's been a while since I did a vegan grocery haul video so here it is! I don't typically do the big bulk hauls anymore because I live close to a grocery store so I buy things one at a time... which

Carrot Cake Oats recipe | vegan

🌸🌴🌸🌴🌸🌴🌸🌴🌸🌴🌸🌴🌸🌴 🌿 WHY VEGAN? - The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear by Gary Yourofsky- - 101 Reasons To Go Vegan - WATCH: Cowspiracy - Forks Over Knives - Earthlings - Vegucated


Get 25% OFF your first box of groceries on Thrive Market + Free Shipping + Free 30 Day Trial - You'll see many of my favourite products to help get you started! (US only) DOWNLOAD MY EASY 60 VEGAN RECIPES EBOOK ►► RECIPES AND INGREDIENTS LIST - VEGAN SUSHI SANDWICH
