Baba Ganoush | The Vegan Corner

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In this video we’ll show you how to take this plant-based aubergine spread to the next level using only simple ingredients. If you fancy tasty recipes, make sure to stay tuned for more upcoming videos.

Visit for the ingredients list, extra info, and more video recipes.

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8 thoughts on “Baba Ganoush | The Vegan Corner

  1. This is not called baba ganoush. It’s called Moutabal. baba ganoush is also
    made with eggplant , but it’s with tomatoes and peppers and onions in a
    salsa type way. The two are often confused . Great recipe though and I
    enjoy your channel!

    1. +ViaSanaWellness -AlessiaD Thanks! Yes, we have been lectured about that
      before 🙂 However, here in Europe this is what people expect when you talk
      about baba ganoush, regardless of the name being correct or not. Eating
      food outside from their place of origin commonly generate confusion, and
      there is very little that can be done in that regard from our side. Thanks
      for watching and for your comment

  2. I tried that years ago but it was extremly bitter. I thought it was because
    I baked the whole eggplant but didn’t salt it so it could release its
    bitterness. do you have an idea why it turned bitter?

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