Asian style vegetable noodles | The Vegan Corner

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This recipe is about making mixed vegetable noodles. In this video we will demonstrate how easy it is to prepare this Asian-inspired noodle dish, using simple healthy ingredients. Make sure to stay tuned for more upcoming recipes.

Visit for the ingredients list, extra info, and more video recipes.

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13 thoughts on “Asian style vegetable noodles | The Vegan Corner

    1. Maybe you could just replace it with some other vegetable thats easy to
      find for you! I do that all the time, and it works always out. (:

  1. Hey, I don’t know about other people out there, but I love complicated
    recipe videos! I have always considered becoming vegan chef/cook of some
    sort (I’m still a teenager right now), but I feel like every single
    high-carb vegan recipe book or YouTube channel focuses only on stupidly
    simple recipes, and I really want to learn about professional-level
    cooking. Please post complicated recipe videos. The occasional ones on this
    channel are what I love most about it!

    1. As far as I know there is only one channel that offers what you are looking
      for here on YouTube, and that is ChefSteps. The are not vegan, but they are
      surely able to teach you a great deal of techniques that you can then apply
      to vegan cuisine. At the moment there are very few Plant-based chefs worth
      of a michelin star, and it is simply because at the moment the majority of
      people who eat vegan food don’t want complicated and over-processed stuff.
      Most of the people who come to YouTube for a good recipe don’t want to
      waste time cooking complex food, which is why you can’t find what you are
      looking for here, nor on other vegan channels. Also, most of the chefs here
      on YouTube have no culinary knowledge whatsoever, so they wouldn’t be able
      to offer what you are looking for even if they wanted to. In our specific
      case, we don’t make complicated stuff simply because there is too much work
      involved, especially considering that our more ‘complex’ recipes are the
      ones that no one wants to watch. If you are interested in high-end cuisine,
      don’t look for vegan content, as no vegan is currently doing what you are
      looking for. The culinary knowledge we have comes from great chefs like
      Heston Blumenthal, René Redzepi, Ferran Adrià etc. who are all far from
      vegan and still are able to teach you more than you can probably handle at
      your age. I hope this answers your question and thanks for watching our

  2. I wasn’t vegan before I started watching these but you videos have really
    made me consider giving it a go. These videos are amazing, I can’t wait to
    try out some of these 🙂 I would really love to see a Moroccan tagine
    recipe if you have one? 😀 Thank you so much for this inspiring channel :)

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