WE WROTE A BOOK | Our Cookbook Story | The Edgy Veg

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We wrote a book! And today we’re going to tell you all about it and some sweet giveaways we’re doing on the cookbook’s digital launch day! The Edgy Veg Cookbook: 138 Carnivore-Approved Vegan recipes. BUY OUR COOKBOOK:

LIVESTREAM: September 20th, 2017, 2PM EST

Join us Wednesday, September 20th at 2pm for an exclusive live stream where we will be doing a cookbook Q&A, announcing huge giveaways, and showing exclusive cookbook sneak peeks!

We can’t believe we are two days away from The Edgy Veg Cookbook’s digital launch day, and less than 1 month away from our book being in stores! Yes, it comes out October 16th! I’ve loved sharing the behind-the-scenes of our cookbook photoshoot month(s) over Instagram stories, and loved hearing your excitement even more!

The book features all new recipes (not seen on the blog or on the YouTube channel) along with a selection of hand-picked fan favourites like our cheese sauce, matcha ice cream, and pulled jackfruit. The book is designed to be your meal go-to. By this I mean that you can mix and match all the recipes to create a beautiful well-rounded dining experience. Every recipe you make from our book will be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians and omnivores (and reducitarians, flexitarians, and any other label you can give yourself or none at all for that matter) alike— they are all tested and approved by James, as well as our tribe of foodie friends; giving them the Carnivore-Approved stamp of approval.

Our chapters include:
The Essentials: Our version of the tools of the trade! This section breaks down our favourite meat and dairy replacements, kitchen gadgets, and offers extensive advice on how to stock a vegan kitchen and pantry.

#Basic(s): These are all your base recipes. Many of our recipes include homemade vegan substitutes, sauces and doughs– this where you’ll find them.

Brunch: The Hangover Story: Brunch is my favourite meal of the week. Sadly, it’s tough to pull off in the vegan world- that’s why James and I host brunch at our place every weekend! It was super important to me to have an extensive brunch section so that you too can enjoy this coveted weekend meal. Highlight recipes include: Veggs Benny, Unorthodox Lox and Cream Cheese Bagels and Shakshuka Habibi.

Munchies: The name speaks for itself here. These are your snacks and apps for when those late night munchies creep up on you. Highlight recipes include: Doses of Samosas, Buffalo Cauliflower Wings and a Terrine to Remember.

Souper-Natural: Is there anything cozier than a good soup? We adore soup in this home, and I wanted to share my favourite go-to soup recipes so you can cozy up with them as well! Highlight recipes include: #SweaterWeather Pumpkin Sage Soup, Flawless French Onion Soup and What the Pho.

Not-Boring Salads: Let’s face it, salad can be boring. So we came up with some that you can actually make friends with! Highlight recipes include: Cobb Your Enthusiasm, Deconstructed Pizza and The Token Kale Salad

On The Side: Every good main needs a strong accompaniment. These side dishes are a fun twist on the traditional, but are anything but boring. Highlight recipes include: Brussel Sprouts That Don’t Suck, Edgy Roasted Veg and Potatoes Served in The French Manner

The Main Squeeze: Ah yes, the “meat” of our book. This chapter has more mains than you can count. These are our all-time favourite recipes. Some of these are veganized versions of family favourites, along with fast food copycat recipes and comfort food classics. Get to know our Half-Baked Mac & Cheese, Street Food-Style Thai Basil Beef and Perfectly Pleasing Pesto Pizza. Dinner will never be the same, I promise.

Thirsty Girl: We all get a little bit thirsty from time to time, luckily i’ve got you covered with smoothies, juices and cocktails! Highlight recipes include: The Healthy Cocktail Mix, Grade Eh Caesar and Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie.

Sweet Endings… or Beginnings, We Don’t Judge: When it comes to dessert I have a few go-to’s. Since my baking fails are well documented it should come to no surprise that this section has minimal baking and tons of ice cream. Highlight recipes include: Thank You Very Matcha Ice Cream, Death by Chocolate Mousse and Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookies.

We’re The Edgy Veg, Candice & James, a couple on a journey to revolutionize the food we define as “vegan”. Instead of salads days in and day out we choose to re-purpose familiar favorites, by recreating childhood cravings for an audience with sophisticated palettes and food-nerd obsessions with nostalgic fare.

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7 thoughts on “WE WROTE A BOOK | Our Cookbook Story | The Edgy Veg


    I’m so happy for y’all and you look so radiant and joyful, your excitement transcends the video and onto me! It has nothing to do with me and I’m excited as if it does!! Eeep! You have a cookbook!!!!!! Much love as always <3

    As for fall/thanksgiving suggestions.. hmm.. I can't think of anything off the top but I do know that I want something different and creative and I know you're just the girl to do it! Especially since you have the basics covered. I'm so tired of the same old pumpkin spice bullshit that floods my feed every fall.. Maybe an anti-thanksgiving type recipe? Something no one is expecting... hmm... My mind goes to maybe experimenting with different ethnic/international cuisines? I don't know but something about the same old American crap is so boring to me.. This is probably not the most helpful comment but hey

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