Vegan Snack Haul & Treat Giveaway | Vegan Cookies | Brownies | Vegan Gummy Bears | The Edgy Veg

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It’s that time again. Candice has made another Vegan Snack Haul and is back on camera to show you what’s in the bag. She scored some fantastic products this time around that are perfect for any vegan in need of a snack fix. In addition to sharing with you all the goodies she got she also announces that she’s giving them away to one lucky subscriber.

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Candice starts off her snack haul by revealing that she loves cookies. If you put her in a room with vegan cookies and leave her alone with them there is a good chance she’s just going to eat them. Her cookie pick was made by a company called Sweets from the Earth and is not only dairy free, egg free, and nut free but is also flavored like a s’more. How could anyone resist the call of a cookie loaded with marshmallows and chocolate? Her next selection is made by Ipinema Valley and is a Pineapple Brownie. How Ipinema Valley managed to make a brownie with no chocolate in it will remain a mystery but one thing about this brownie is certain, it’s delicious. The label actually states that 100 Million fruit cells were compressed to make this zero sugar added bar. Their commitment to snacking excellence is pretty clear.

She moves on to her next product which is a chocolate bar made in her hometown of Toronto by a company called Giddy YoYo. It is an 82% cacao raw dark chocolate bar containing vanilla bean and salt. Candice claims this is the best dark chocolate ever. Since Candice is a bit under the weather she’s not feeling like cooking much so she also got a couple of the Nosha meal replacement protein powder packets. She got the apple cinnamon as well as the banana cacao. These can be mixed with juice, almond milk, soy milk, or any other vegan approved liquid. They are an excellent substitute for a meal when you’re traveling or just don’t have the time or the energy to cook something.

In addition to being a cookie addict Candice also craves Gummy Bears from time to time. Being a vegan this has been a challenge for her as they almost all contain gelatin. She found some that don’t contain gelatin made by a company called GoBio! Needless to say was quite pleased with her find. They are also all naturally flavored and colored. The next item pulled from her bag is a package of Hemp Heart Bites. This is an item Candice generally has with her when traveling and has been featured in past videos. She follows that up by pulling out a package of seaweed snacks. The benefits to eating seaweed are far more than most people realize. Seaweed is often recommended to people suffering from memory issues in fact. In addition to that when it’s roasted and salted it’s positively delicious.

Next up was a bag of dried pineapple made by Solar Gold which Candice absolutely raves about. After that she pulls out a bag of Herby Pop, which is simply vegan friendly flavored popcorn. Her next pull from the bag unveils Panda Vegan Friendly Raspberry Licorice. This is a popular product due to it’s amazing flavor and can be found in many different stores. Health food stores will generally have this in stock as well as quite a few grocery stores. This will be the best licorice you ever eat. Her next product is a bar made by Go Macro. She has mentioned these in past videos as they are her favorite snack bars. Nearing the end of her bag Candice pulls out a packet of Biosteel Protein Powder mentioning that one of her favorite things about this particular protein powder is that it isn’t grainy.

To see the rest of what’s in Candice’s bag you’ll have to watch the full video. To get a chance to win her snack haul for yourself all you have to do is click on the link in this description, like and comment on this video, and subscribe to the channel. What are you waiting for? Get your treat bag!

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I’m The Edgy Veg, a gal on a journey to revolutionize the food we define as “vegan”. Instead of salads days in and day out I choose to re-purpose familiar favorites, by recreating childhood cravings for an audience with sophisticated palettes and food-nerd obsessions with nostalgic fare.

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6 thoughts on “Vegan Snack Haul & Treat Giveaway | Vegan Cookies | Brownies | Vegan Gummy Bears | The Edgy Veg

  1. Hey Candace! Apropos Seetang…ich würde soo gerne ein Video über veganes Sushi sehen! Ich hab bisher nur süßes Sushi von Johann Lafer veganisiert – und das ist absolut der Hammer! Das ist aber sowieso schon nur mit Früchten als Füllung…Vllt hast du ja ne Idee wie man den Fisch gut ersetzt? (You do understand German I hope 😄)

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