Vegan Pizza Four Ways

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Vegan cheese pizza, vegan pizza Margarita, vegan sausage pepper pizza, and vegan sweet potato greens pizza: Each one is amazing and easy to make! Vegan pizza is delicious 🙂
Get the full vegan recipe here:

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8 thoughts on “Vegan Pizza Four Ways

  1. I just bought your cookbook from Amazon. I can’t wait to get it and start making all those delicious recipes. I love pizza, so this is so very helpful in making the transition from carnivore to veggie lover. Thanks so much!!!

    1. i get pita or tortilla that are already made and add spaghetti sause and toppings and put in over or 20 25 mins. its like $3.75 for pita or tortillas theres like 5 or or somethings

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