Vegan Chocolate Torte | Deliciously Ella

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This vegan chocolate torte one of my favourite indulgent desserts when I’ve got friends and family coming over, so it’s perfect for Christmas. The recipe is from The Cookbook, which you can find here for just £7.99!

For the vegan chocolate torte
300g ground almonds
150g buckwheat (or plain white) flour
50g cacao powder
50g coconut sugar
pinch of sea salt
200ml maple syrup
100ml date syrup
200ml almond milk
the water from 1 × 400g tin of chickpeas (not the chickpeas themselves)

For the vegan chocolate sauce
200g pitted dates
600ml almond milk
4 tablespoons cacao powder
1 tablespoon coconut oil
pinch of salt

Can’t wait to hear what you think of this recipe xxx

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7 thoughts on “Vegan Chocolate Torte | Deliciously Ella

    1. +Deliciously Ella Thank you for the response. I will try and let you know. Tried your recipe of Ganache chocolate cake and really liked it. thanks

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