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Offer your guests a one-of-a-kind sweet treat – these vegan ALMOND ORANGE BALLS are easy to prepare with a unique flavour that everyone will love!
When my sister Milisa forwarded her submission for our HOLIDAY COOKIE SERIES, I was instantly reminded of the importance of including an option for guests looking to enjoy vegan recipes. It’s not often we find cookies made without eggs, milk or butter, so we were especially happy that these cookies fit the bill. With only five ingredients, simple never tasted so sweet.
Here are some things to consider when you prepare them:
ORANGE – Milisa was quite specific about using “thick-skinned” oranges for the recipe, and for that we turn to navel oranges. Boiling the peels of the navel oranges softens them so that we can then chop them finely using a food processor. You can also process the cooked peel using a hand-cranked grinder if you’d like to prepare this recipe old school. You might be wondering what to do with the four peeled oranges? Just eat ‘em for a healthy dose of Vitamin C.
GROUND ALMONDS – In making the cookies, I tossed around the idea of trying other ground nuts, but held back; almonds have a subtle flavour that plays nicely with the citrus profile without overpowering it. You can purchase the almonds already ground or use blanched almonds and grind them by hand.
VANILLA SUGAR – This essential ingredient adds both flavour and fragrance to these beautiful, bite-sized confections. Look for vanilla sugar in the baking section of your favourite supermarket or track down a suitable substitute like vanilla powder and use it to the same effect.
FINISHING TOUCHES – Rolling your ALMOND ORANGE BALLS in granulated sugar will make them sparkle on your holiday cookie plate, while the addition of the central almond sliver offers a unique garnish to distinguish them from other cookies.
After you’ve prepared these fabulous taste sensations, why not move on to another superior recipe: head HERE to see my sister Maria’s “NO NAME” COOKIES or HERE for my sister Dana’s CHOCOLATE RUM BALLS.
Celebrate the season and prepare something that everyone can enjoy – ORANGE ALMOND BALLS are fabulous!

For the FULL RECIPE plus entertaining ideas, please visit:

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