HOW TO MAKE UNICORN ICE CREAM | VEGAN Ice Cream Recipe | No-Churn RAINBOW Ice Cream | The Edgy Veg

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This is how you make Unicorn Ice Cream or Rainbow Ice Cream, no ice cream machine necessary! Unicorn food is a thing that just won’t go away, so I decided to hop on the trend and bring you my version of a dairy free, vegan ice cream made from coconut and coloured naturally with real fruits for that vibrant colour.


Yes, rainbow foods are actually a thing ( a huge thing). The brightly coloured and something horrendous photos of this food trend are everywhere!

Since June 1st (the official kick-off of Pride Month) rainbows have been spotted everywhere, so I decided to adorn our channel with some pride as well.

I’m really not into food colouring, and try to avoid as much as I can, so I coloured each cream with natural ingredients and was able to avoid the dreaded stuff all together! For the base of this dairy-free ice cream, I used canned coconut milk and sugar. Then I dyed the cream various colours with fruits and supplements to get the colour I wanted to achieve.

To make pink ice cream I used raspberries. In a clean blender add the coconut milk from one of the 5 cups along with 1/2 cup raspberries.Blend on High until smooth.

To make a pale green coloured ice cream I used caps of spirulina- you could also use liquid chlorophyll if you’ve got that laying around. In a clean blender add the coconut milk from one of the remaining 4 cups along with 2 caps of spirulina. Blend on High until smooth.

For yellow ice cream, mango was a simple choice that worked out perfectly. Blend on High until smooth.

To make orange ice cream, I thought orange juice concentrate would be a no-brainer, but it just ended up looking yellow- so I threw some raspberries in there to deepen the colour. Pour the cup containing the least amount of coconut milk into a clean blender along with the orange juice concentrate and raspberries on tablespoon at a time.
Blend on High until smooth, add more raspberries until the desired colour of orange is reached.

And finally, to make purple ice cream I used blueberries. In a clean blender add the coconut milk from the remaining cup along with 1/4 cup blueberries. Blend on High until smooth.

You can use fresh or frozen for any part of this recipe, but I find that frozen fruit that’s been slightly thawed makes the most vibrant colours. So There you have it! A super healthy way to make vegan ice cream, that’s also unicorn ice cream at home using all natural ingredients. This HAS to be the best vegan ice cream recipe on the internet, no?

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About Candice:

I’m The Edgy Veg, a gal on a journey to revolutionize the food we define as “vegan”. Instead of salads days in and day out I choose to re-purpose familiar favorites, by recreating childhood cravings for an audience with sophisticated palettes and food-nerd obsessions with nostalgic fare. Connect with me on the interwebs here:

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9 thoughts on “HOW TO MAKE UNICORN ICE CREAM | VEGAN Ice Cream Recipe | No-Churn RAINBOW Ice Cream | The Edgy Veg

  1. Hope you like my new recipe guys! It’s so great to get back to posting new content! If you enjoy these you’ll love our new cookbook! Preorder it here! 

    1. Edgy Veg this is my first time watching your video wow amazing rainbow ice cream to sneak fruit in children diet . I’m also vegan so you give me an idea with this ice cream .
      Ps. You are very bubbly I like that

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