Anxiety, Depression and New Relationships…Let’s Talk | VEGAN JUNK FOOD MUKBANG

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Today’s vegan mukbang is going to be personal, but in a lighthearted way. Grab some food and eat with me! From discussing my anxiety and depression, to navigating my new relationship, to coping mechanisms and medication. Let’s remove the stigma and actually talk about it. I hope answering these questions help some of you, and just know that we are all in this together!

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11 thoughts on “Anxiety, Depression and New Relationships…Let’s Talk | VEGAN JUNK FOOD MUKBANG

  1. Hopefully this video is able to help some of you going through something similar! Just remember to be kind to each other in the comments <3

    1. Thank you for sharing all this. I’m glad that you are taking care of yourself. Have you read any of Eckhart Tolle’s books? I find Tolle’s advice and life outlook, as unusual as it may seem, very helpful in dealing with anxiety and depression.

    2. I was told by a nutritionist that anxiety is caused/exacerbated by a vitamin B1 deficiency, and depression is caused/exacerbated by a vitamin B3 deficiency. Of course there’s an aspect that’s psychological, but there’s certainly an aspect that’s nutritional. It depends on the person.

      I take a butt of nutritional yeast or Brewer’s yeast for those vitamins. That manages most of the issues I have. GNC sells Brewer’s yeast tablets.

    3. I LOVE PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA (esp with bbq tofu)!! Haha and way to keep the suspense up by mentioning your new relationship without saying who it is (although I think most of us can guess). Wishing you all the luck in the world with your mental health, physical health, and your new relationship XO

  2. Omfg will definitely try out this restaurant 🤤🤤 also love this video/talk. Being medicated is not a bad or shameful thing at all!! You can also purchase 5-HTP off the shelf at any drug store and I find it really helps lift my energy and mood.

  3. You didn’t become medicated. You got on medication. The main reason for depression and anxiety within people in the vegan community who speak publicly is because they were told “Life is Most Important in Life” is always true and they did not publicity affirm they agree with that 100%. e.g. they took it upon themselves to gamble all of the life of this Earth on something they could not prove. Because it is real..the results are as they are.

  4. I have been struggling with depression, anxiety and panic attacks since I was 16 and your experience is very relatable. You have some pretty spot on advice. Thanks for sharing your experience! Also, I find the 4-7-8 breathing technique very helpful to prevent the spiralling 🙂

  5. Thank you for talking about this. It’s amazing that you step forward about this matter. I feel like when I first went through it I was alone and minssunderstood. What you said about surrounding yourself with people who get you and are able to help, is 100% true. Do it, people. And it gets better. We need to keep the conversation going❤

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