WHY I’M STILL VEGAN | What I think about ex-vegans | The Edgy Veg

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Hi Friends! A lot of you have been asking me what I think about all these “influencers” coming out as non vegan, and making “Why I’m not vegan anymore” videos. Let’s talk about WHY we are still vegan, and take the conversation back! I what to share with you what The Edgy veg is, and what it means to me, my thoughts on ex-vegans, and also why I went vegan and remain vegan today. I also talk about why it’s ok that we have to say goodbye to these people in our community and why i think its a great thing! Maybe if you’re not vegan, you’ll find some reasons to go vegan!


I would love to know why you are vegan, so make sure you let me know in the comments below!

Some articles to Read:
The Plight of Factory Farming:
The Dangerous Psychology of Factory Farming:
The Human Victims of Factory Farming:
Food and climate change:
Animal Agriculture’s Impact on Climate Change:
Health Effects of Vegan Diets:
Moby TEDx Why I’m A Vegan:
The Magnificent Milk Myth TEDx:

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📩Email: edgyveg@gmail.com

#veganhacks #vegan #vegancake

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7 thoughts on “WHY I’M STILL VEGAN | What I think about ex-vegans | The Edgy Veg

  1. I really liked this video because I don’t think I ever saw a “why i went vegan” video from you. I’m sure you’ve done one, but I kind of just jumped into this community and was like “Ooh! Vegan!” because I was new to being vegan, lol.

    The reason I started being vegan was because I moved away from home, and had been plotting for a long time to be vegetarian. I had been reading info about being vegan for YEARS, however. It turned out that I was terribly lactose intolerant, and had a trainer at the time that recommended that I cut out dairy. So, in my mind, I thought “Well, since I won’t be eating meat and should probably cut out dairy, why don’t I just cut out eggs and be vegan?”

    I felt better and happy in a way I couldn’t explain. My food bill also was cut in half, so maybe that is a plausible explanation for that happiness, lol. I loved food for a long time, but my love for it went off the charts after becoming a vegan. Food was exciting to me once again, and I think the vegan versions of things are more flavorful than with meat.

    I honestly love being vegan, and don’t want to go back… especially not after watching “At The Fork.” It’s also nice not to have bubble guts anymore from the dairy I didn’t need to be eating.

  2. Grew up SDA too. Those people were just fine, half the church were in their 70s-90s. So I never saw this meat eating as necessary for life like most people make it out to be. I grew up in a meat eating household but giving up meat was barely a big deal for myself or my family.

  3. I was thinking is the term “ex-vegan” has a lot of unproductive connotations as though once you are no longer vegan you cannot go back. I love your positive message and think we should leave the door open to people who change their diet to go back to being vegan again.

  4. Completing my first year as a vegan. Reasons? All of the above! Less cruelty, feel much better, better for the environment. Relationship with food is much, much better.

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