What I Ate Today: Healthy + Vegan! (ft. Dark Dog Organic Energy Drinks)

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What I Ate Today: Easy Vegan Meals: Sponsored by Dark Dog Organic **Use the code DDGTRY20 at Amazon checkout to get any flavor 20% OFF. . www.darkdog-organic.com @DarkDogOrganic #NoCrashNoJitters #OrganicEnergy

Thanks for watching and have a beautiful day!


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8 thoughts on “What I Ate Today: Healthy + Vegan! (ft. Dark Dog Organic Energy Drinks)

  1. wonderful! thanks! ( I think I ‘ m omnivorous!) protein are just as vital as carbs, and HDL- & omega 3s) Congratulations on YOUR choice of diet, as long it is nutritious & tasty!!! have a lovely day, week until next time! thanks!

    1. Lil Baby Bug What a creepy comment! Only my mother calls me “my dear”, and “mark my words” sounds threatening. Her diet seems excellent to me, especially as she doesn’t eat meat or dairy which are full of hormones (organic or not).

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