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These VEGAN coconut sugar cookies are AMAZING! they’re easy to make and smell like heaven! Besides, they keep their shape!

English subs are coming soon!

RECIPE 1 (you’ll get about 20 cookies – this is an half batch)
Vegan butter/margarine 4.41 oz (125 grams). My margarine is 80% fat.
Sugar 3.52 oz (100 grams)
Aquafaba 1.76 oz (50 grams). That’s the water from canned chickpeas.
Flour 7.76 oz + 2.49 oz (220 grams + 70 grams) (you may not need the extra flour!)
Coconut flour 3.52 oz (100 grams)
Bake at 356 F (180 C) for 10/12 minutes, cookies are ready when slightly golden on the edges. If you want crunchier cookies, bake them a bit longer, every oven is different! Also I did chilled the cookies from batch 1 for 15 minutes. These cookies look exactly like regular sugar cookies, the coconut taste is YUMMY and they’re not too sweet. They hold their shape very well, and I’m already in love with them : ) If you want to make more than half a batch, take a look at the recipe below (RECIPE 2)!

RECIPE 2 (you’ll get 40 cookies or more)
Vegan butter/margarine 8.82 oz (250 grams)
Sugar 7.05 oz (200 grams)
Aquafaba 3.17 oz (90 grams)
*Flour 7.05 oz (200 grams)
**Coconut flour 4.23 oz (120 gr) (you may need less, keep reading!)

So, I have to spend a few words about this recipe. In the video, you can see that I had some flour left, which was 3.15 oz (90 grams). I had made a mixture of the two flours, so I had a starting amount of 14.42 oz – 410 grams (in total). I actually sat down and did the math, so I had 1.41 oz (40 grams) of coconut flour and 1.76 oz (50 grams) of flour left. Turned out I actually used 7.05 oz (200 grams) of flour and 4.23 oz (120 grams) of coconut flour.

I’ll cut to the chase: you can use the doses listed right above (for RECIPE 2), but you’ll get grainy cookies (that’s because of the coconut) and I don’t know if you like their texture (I don’t mind it!). If you think you wouldn’t like them, use less coconut (about 3.52 oz – 100 grams) and a bit more of flour (about 7.76 oz -220 grams, I don’t know, check the video to see the consistency my dough had when I stopped adding flour!).

The baking time is the same of RECIPE 1! Bake them a little less if you want softer cookies (take them out of the oven, while they’re still soft!). Unlike cookies from batch 1, I did not chilled the ones from batch 2 and 3, and they turned out fine! So you can try not to chill them before baking.

By the way, I didn’t use all the dough, if fact I froze about an half. I’ll try to bake cookies from frozen dough, and I’ll let you know how it goes!
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RICETTA 1 (per circa 20 biscotti)
125 grammi di burro vegano/margarina (80 % di grassi)
100 gr zucchero
50 gr Aquafaba (acqua di conservazione dei ceci in vetro o latta)
220 gr farina 00 + 70 gr (potrebbe non servirvi quest’aggiunta)
100 gr farina di cocco
I biscotti cuociono a 180 gradi Celsius, per 10/13 minuti, dipende dal forno. Sono pronti quando saranno leggermente dorati ai bordi. Se volete biscotti più morbidi, toglieteli dal forno quando sono ancora leggermente morbidi. Se li volete più croccanti, cuoceteli qualche secondo in più!
RICETTA 2 (40 biscotti o più)
250 grammi margarina
200 gr zucchero
90 gr Acquafaba
200 gr Farina 00
120 gr farina di cocco
Con queste dosi otterrete dei biscotti dall’aspetto granuloso (per via del cocco), se pensate che possano non piacervi, usatene solo 100 grammi e aumentate leggermente le dosi di farina 00 (di circa 20 grammi). Cuocete per lo stesso tempo della ricetta più sopra!

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