Perfect Vegan Party Cookies | Bake Vegan Stuff with Sara Kidd

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14 thoughts on “Perfect Vegan Party Cookies | Bake Vegan Stuff with Sara Kidd

  1. So happy to find another professional vegan baking personality 🙂

    I have a couple hopefully constructive criticisms if you want them (I’m no professional so ofcourse this is just my take): I would simplify your editing overall. Its a fun vibe youre going for, but as a viewer its a bit overwhelming to watch and listen to. So many sounds effects going on, plus a background track that pops in and out, it gets hard to focus on what you are saying. Theres chimes, bells, fastforwards, sliding, cheers, etc and at high frequency.

    Theres also a lot of visual effects. You dont need to use transitions each time a new perspective is introduced, sometimes a camera change without sound effects or transition effects would be more effective (eg. for the sliding transition, hearing the sliding in and sliding out probably isnt necessary). Sometimes your transitions are a bit abrupt and youre almost interrupting your own talking. Sometimes you fade in your audio after a transition but itd be nicer to just hear you at full volume from one point to the next.

    For the background music, maybe keep it on the whole time but very quietly and only increase it when youre showing something long that doesnt require any voice over, and at the endscreen. For the short things that dont require voice over that you usually fastforward through, perhaps if its not so important to see the whole process, simply cut to the end result (like if youre just mixing stuff together). (Mostly just hearing the fastforward effect so often is a bit much)

    Rosanna Pansino and Cupcake Jemma on Youtube both have dedicated editors for their videos who do good sound mixing and transitions, maybe looking at some of their videos could explain better some of the points I made.

    Ofcourse, you have PLENTY on your plate already and editing videos takes a lot of time and practice which I imagine is why big channels hire others to do it, and you definitely have your own style going so I dont mean to be rude and say you should do it how others do. But perhaps keeping it simpler might make things easier on you and more easy to watch for a wider audience 🙂

    I hope that helps! And even if my points arent useful for you I look forward to seeing how your show evolves 🙂

    1. +Vegan Cakes By Sara Kidd Will do! I do agree that her style is kinda boring in comparison haha. Glad you found part of my comment useful 😀 Im looking forward to your next video

    2. Hey Sarah, thank you so much for taking the time to give feedback. It definitely helps and you’re not being rude. Currently I do everything myself and I’m raising money through Patreon so I can bring other professionals onboard to edit etc. Feel free to support $1 a month if you can. I would love love love to me this show better and reach a larger audience so always happy to take on feedback. I do watch Jemma a lot and I just find it a little boring. I think you’re right about the transitions, I can make that simpler and the sound on this one needed some work. I had a few other comments about this too. I trying to get the balance of being entertaining but not over whelming. I’ll tone down the next one and see what the response is like. Make sure to let me know what you think xox

  2. Fantastic recipe, the big and lil kids will love.
    Can I request a sponge angel cake (wings) recipe? My grandmother used to make them. Really miss them 😍

    1. I’ve been working on this using Aquafaba…. I’ll release it once it’s perfect 😘❤️

  3. This is a great recipe but in some places the background music is very loud and makes it hard to hear what you are saying.

    1. Bird Shenanigans oh thanks so much for the feedback! I’ll work on that for the next episode

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