Gluten Free Vegan Pizza, Quick, Easy & Tasty Recipe

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Gluten Free Vegan Pizza, Quick, Easy & Tasty Recipe:

100g of chickpea flour (besan)
Small onion (chopped)
Small coriander bunch (chopped)
1 green chilli, chopped (optional)

1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
1/2 tsp Cumin Powder
1/2 tsp Coriander Powder
Salt to taste

Mix flour with all spices, onion and fresh coriander. Start adding little water and mix into a doe.
Doe shouldn’t be too wet but it will be a bit sticky. You can use some oil on your hands and additional flour to be able to roll it out.

Roll into 5mm circle, but don’t worry about shapes, mine are never the same and hardly ever in a circle shape.

Place rolled out doe on a hot pan or tawa and cook on both sides until brown spots begin to appear. This shouldn’t take more then couple of minutes.
Take off heat and spread tomato pure on top (roughly a teaspoon depending on a size of your pizza base).

Add toppings of your choice.
My favourites are:
Cherry tomatoes
Spring onion

Once all toppings are on the base, place your pizza in the oven for about 5 minutes on higher temperature (200/220degrees).

Don’t let it burn, just let the toppings get softer and little golden on top.
Serve while still hot and enjoy.

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