Chocolate Cookie-Dough Doughnuts • Vegan Recipe

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A recipe recreation of one of the most delicious dishes from my recent visit to Covent Garden, London (UK).

These fluffy doughnuts are smothered in a rich chocolate glaze, with little nuggets of vegan chocolate cookie-dough placed on top and finished with plenty of sprinkles!

These Epic AF Chocolate Cookie-Dough Doughnuts were inspired by the out-of-this-world Doughnut Time in Covent Garden. This is an absolute cracker of a recipe! Enjoy 🙂

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✯ Recipe:

Serves:  Lets say 8 assuming you’ll have 1 per person (#LOLjokes)

Prep:  25 minutes

Prove:  2 hrs 15 mins

Cook:  Approx 10 minutes assuming your pan can accommodate 3 doughnuts at a time

Special equipment that you’ll need:  A mixer with a dough hook, a doughnut cutter, a pan for deep frying and a thermometer

Note:  These aren’t difficult to make but they do require patience and a little care – it is certainly worth it though!


• 150ml luke warm soya milk
• 50g coconut oil, melted
• 30g coconut sugar
• 15g aquafaba
• 250g plain flour
• 10g baking powder
• 1 1/4 tsp dried quick yeast
• Cooking oil for your deep fat fryer

Chocolate Glaze:

• 75g vegan dark chocolate chips
• 15g dairy free milk
• 15g coconut oil

Cookie Dough Nuggets:

• 30g coconut oil at room temperature (not melted)
• 30g coconut sugar
• 100g of finely ground oat flour
• 1/2 tsp vanilla
• 20g vegan dark chocolate chips

Creating the dough:

1 Add your milk, coconut oil, coconut sugar and aquafaba to a mixing bowl and mix together.
2 In a separate bowl, mix together your flour, baking powder and yeast*.
3 With your dough hook attached and your mixer on a low speed, add your flour mixture to the mixing bowl a little at a time until combined.  
4 Once all of your flour mixture is in the mixing bowl, leave for 8 minutes on a low speed.  You may need to scrape down the bowl once or twice during that time to combine.
5 After 8 minutes, increase the speed to high for 2 minutes.
6 Put your dough in a lightly oiled bowl and leave it in a warm place, covered with a tea towel (but not touching the dough), to prove (rise) for 1 1/2 hours.
7 Lightly flour your rolling pin and a surface on which to roll out your dough.  Cut out squares of parchment paper just bigger than your doughnut cutter and spread them out on a tray with a small space in between each of them.
8 Once your dough has finished proving, lightly roll it out on your floured surface to around 1 inch thick.  You want to keep it quite thick to ensure you’ve got nice chunky doughnuts.  
9 Cut your doughnuts out using a doughnut cutter and place each one on a separate square of parchment paper on your tray.
10 Save your doughnut holes to make my Pump Up The Jam Doughnut Hole recipe.
11 Prove your doughnuts in a warm place, covered with a tea towel for another 45 minutes.

*Check your yeast instructions because some require the yeast to be mixed with the warm milk at the beginning instead of with the dry ingredients.

Cooking your doughnuts:

1 Heat your frying oil to 175C.  It’s best to have a thermometer that you can leave in your pan so that you can monitor the temperature and adjust as necessary during cooking because you want to keep it as consistent as you can.
2 Once your doughnuts have finished proving, place them onto a spatula or slice (do this very gently so as not to knock the air out of the dough), peel off the paper and place the doughnut very carefully into the oil.  Cook each doughnut for 3 minutes, turning over halfway through.
3 Remove your doughnut from the oil with your spatula/slice and place on a cooling rack, with kitchen towel or a tray underneath to catch the excess oil.  Leave to cool completely.

Decorating your doughnuts:

1 To make your chocolate glaze simply put all of your glaze ingredients (chocolate chips, milk and oil) in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds until smooth and melted.
2 Pour the melted glaze over your cooled doughnuts or dip them in the glaze, and place them on a cooling rack with a tray underneath to catch any drips.
3 To make your cookie dough mix the oil, sugar and vanilla together with a spoon.  Add the flour and chocolate chips and stir in.
4 Roll your cookie dough into little balls and place on top of your glazed doughnuts.
5 Add vegan sprinkles and you’re ready to serve!

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