17 Calorie Vegan Oreo Cookies!

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There are so many filling options to fill these delicious chocolate cookies with!! Each cookie is 8 calories only! They are no smaller than normal oreos either. I will be using the oreo cookies in another recipe so stay tuned!

Song: Summer Breeze – Olivaw

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11 thoughts on “17 Calorie Vegan Oreo Cookies!

  1. You can use 1 or 2 of the chocolate cookies in one of my milkshake videos (replace strawberry or cocoa with the cookies) for an oreo milkshake! (my favorite!!)

    1. I could try, but I don’t have a waffle maker. . . I think making my pancake recipe and putting it in a waffle maker might work! You could try it out! I think if you mixed however much flour you want with some baking powder, sweetener, and water might work. Hope this helps! Good luck on your waffles!

  2. You are awesome*-* I love oreo but I didn’t ate because of calories but now you save me 😀 thank you a lot.

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