WHAT I ATE at Vidcon | Quinoa | Kale | French Fries | Cold Brew Coffee | The Edgy Veg

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In this special episode of The Edgy Veg Candice chronicles her trip to Vidcon in Los Angeles one meal at a time and shows you up close and personal how much of a challenge it can be to find vegan food when traveling.

Her first meal of the day was a vegan brunch in the YouTube lounge consisting of quinoa and beans, sweet potato, kale, broccoli, and cold pressed juice. Cold-pressed juice is special because it uses a hydraulic press to extract juice from fruit and vegetables instead of more common methods like a centrifugal or single auger. The hydraulic method yields a superior product and is gaining steam world-wide. You can even buy your own machine to make cold press juice at home.

Candice’s dinner consisted of a maraschino cherry which she claimed was her fruit and vegetable for the meal. It should be noted that it was floating in a cocktail and it looked like Candice was really starting to enjoy Vidcon quite a bit. This dinner was followed up with a second dinner, titled in the video as “Liquid Dinnner #2” and appeared to be some sort of purple liquid.

At 9:30 that night, thankfully, she was finally able to find some more vegan food. One of the vendors at Vidcon was selling vegan cheese nachos and Candice seemed quite pleased to have found them. That same night, just a bit later on, she was at the Top 100 Creator Party and ran into Nikki Limo, who she has been trying to do a collaboration with. After meeting with Nikki she found herself once again in need of food and the vegan options were practically non-existent. She ended up eating french fries courtesy of James. This wouldn’t be the first time on her journey through Vidcon she would have to turn to french fries for sustenance.

The next day she headed back to the YouTube lounge intending to eat lunch but somehow ended up skipping lunch altogether and finding a bar instead. Candice’s dinner consisted of Tequila, soda, and water. How much Tequila, soda, and water exactly? Only Candice really knows. By midnight Candice was absolutely starving and there were of course no real vegan options in sight. She had to once again turn to french fries. While french fries do contain some protein, they mainly consist of carbohydrates and fat and generally should not be considered dinner, unless of course you happen to the partying at Vidcon with Candice.

Candice began Day 3 of Vidcon around noon and starts off with interestingly enough, more french fries. A little later that afternoon she goes into a Whole Foods and literally becomes giddy when she sees all the vegan food options. She was like a kid in candy store. 2 hours of shopping later her entire mini-fridge in the hotel room was stuffed with vegan food. Shortly afterwards James and Candice got invited to have dinner at a restaurant called “by Chloe”.

They arrived around 8PM and literally had a smorgasbord of food on their table in no time at all. You can see the spread in the video and it’s impressive by anyone’s standards. Candice topped her dinner off with a variety of great looking desserts. After leaving the restaurant that night Candice and James stopped by a grocery store for some Cold Brew Coffee.

The next day they had breakfast poolside and Candice was finally able to start the day in her traditional style, with a ginger shot. She was also snacking on what looked like another cookie from “by Chloe” and drinking a Mocha Mexica Cold Brew Coffee with Almond Milk. She followed up her early morning dessert with a fantastic looking vegan salad full of a variety of vegetables as well as quite a few chickpeas. After that it was time to pack up and head home.

Unfortunately Candice and James missed their flight and had to wait at the airport for a mind boggling 10 hours on standby. They did however finally make it home and seemed quite happy to have made it back. It’s obvious from watching this video that Vidcon was quite an experience for Candice and James and it also brings to light just how difficult it can be to find vegan options when traveling. If you’re in a pinch don’t forget that you can almost always find french fries.

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About Candice:

I’m The Edgy Veg, a gal on a journey to revolutionize the food we define as “vegan”. Instead of salads days in and day out I choose to re-purpose familiar favorites, by recreating childhood cravings for an audience with sophisticated palettes and food-nerd obsessions with nostalgic fare. EASY VEGAN COOKING!

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7 thoughts on “WHAT I ATE at Vidcon | Quinoa | Kale | French Fries | Cold Brew Coffee | The Edgy Veg

  1. U crack me up with the cocktails. I tell my husband when we go out, if u
    can’t find me anything vegan to eat just get me a drink. And there are
    always fries where ever u go.

  2. Haha I also freaked out at the vegan options at the grocery stores when i
    was in LA for Vegan Beer Fest. Sorry you didn’t have much to eat at VidCon!
    But the by chloe feast looked DELISH =) Also sorry you had such a rough
    travel back home ._.

  3. Hey Candice! I was wondering if you could veganize the jalapeno & cheese
    pretzel from Wetzel’s Pretzel? It used to be one of my favorites before I
    went vegan!

  4. You guys make the vegan life look AWESOME!! And that’s coming from two gals
    who always opt for two pattys on a burger! 🙂 P.S great segment on The
    Social, we are new subscribers! P.P.S Check out our channel, we’re new to
    the ‘Tube life! We do food reviews and would love some suggestions on
    Toronto vegan restaurants to review :)

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