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I gave BOSH’s vegan cake recipe a shot for my bday- original video here
I read the comments on their video afterwards and realised that everyone who had tried the recipe seemed to have similar problems (layers way too thin and a weird texture)- so I’d recommend using a different recipe for the cake 🙂

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6 thoughts on “VEGAN RAINBOW PINATA CAKE| Attempting BOSH’s recipe

  1. You are the cutest Lauren! Happy Belated Birthday babe! Omg your fluff baby is adorable! Yumm, I love the tofutti cream cheese! The rainbow colours are so cool and I love the candy surprise in the centre! I’m sorry that the cake part didn’t turn out as well. 💗💗💗

  2. The final result of the cake looked really good, though when you were cutting into it I was cringing that it’d fall apart. I’ve had scenarios were recipes just don’t turn out according to plan, but that’s just all an experiment.

  3. FIRST COMMENT. Love you, loved the vid, got the giggles so many times and oh my goodness we’re birthday siblings because mine’s in two days yay April babies!!! 💛💛💛

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