VEGAN Chocolate cake

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The Vegan: choose no to consume any products of animal origin. Way of living to exclude all forms or animal exploitation (food, clothing or any other purpose).

VEGAN Chocolate cake
150 m vegetable oil
1/4 tea spoon of salt
2 tea spoon of vanilla escent
1/2 tea spoon of baking powder
350 gr sugar
500 mg of milk
1 spoon of instant coffee
800 mg cocoa powder
375 mg wheat flour
* Foundation cream – vegan
Bake for 30 – 40 minutes

Vegan es una forma de vivir, excluye todas las formas de explotacion animla, ya sea por comida, ropa con algun proposito.)
Cake de chocolate Vegan
– 150 gr aceite vegetal
– 1/4 cucharadita de sal
– 1/2 cucharadita polvo de hornear
– 350 gr azucar (1 taza)
– 500 ml de leche (1 vaso)
– 1 cuchara de café isntantaneo
– 800 ml cocoa en polvo
– 375 mg harina de trigo
Crema para cubrir de chocolate vegan
– Hornear por 30 a 40 minutos

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