Today we've got three delicious & healthy vegan NO BAKE desserts. These recipes are easy to make, taste amazing and are perfect for the summer. Or keep a stash of these healthy dessert recipes in your freezer for easy snack all year round! ☆ RECIPES ☆ - ALMOND BUTTER CUPS: - NO

Easy Vegan Dessert Recipes (Vegan + Perfect for the Holidays!)

My new fall baking obsessions: dense FUDGY BROWNIES and cakey CHOCOLATE CHIP PUMPKIN COOKIES! Get 25% off and FREE SHIPPING on your first order from Thrive Market! Click: ✧ Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the NOTIFICATION BELL ✧ Give this video a thumbs up, ✧ find me on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK

3 Vegan No Bake Desserts (Gluten Free)

Recipes: Vegan Fudge Crunch Bars, Vegan Oat Cookie Dough, Vegan Oatmeal Bars - Chocolate Chip - Dairy Free - Egg Free - Gluten Free - Desserts for College *Our Music*

Delicious vegan coconut almond butter cookies

Coconut almond butter cookies recipe. Delicious cholesterol free, vegan, and contains fibre and protein. What more can you ask for in a snack? These cookies are my favourite to make at home. You can also add dark chocolate chips to them for some added punch.

mini idea 186 | Vegan desserts (Eid ul fitr ) feast healthy cookies

I tried to make healthy version of the feast cookies using more healthy alternatives. Happy Eid!! ❤ لا تنسوا دعم القناة عن طريق عمل لايك للفيديو أو شير وطبعاً الإشتراك بالقناة ❤ Support the channel with a like, a share or a subscribe. You can also show your support by getting your copy of

Rich Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

A cake that even non-vegans will love! It is so rich & delicious, I definitely would try this recipe for birthdays or really any other occasion! It is even fine for an ordinary or a lazy Netflix day as well! Ingredients: 1 cup cocoa 2 cups water 1 cup vegan butter (I use

Vegan Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

Finally... A cookie recipe that you don't have to feel guilty about! This amazing (we literally devoured every bite after this shoot!) chocolate chip peanut butter recipe by @Cocobakesla is simple and health-minded. Coco sells her baked goods throughout LA in the best coffee shops around, now you can make

Vegan Cake & Cupcake | Easy Vegan Dessert Recipes for Valentine’s Day

Vegan Cake & Cupcake | Easy Vegan Dessert Recipes for Valentine's Day !! It's almost Valentine's Day!! And there's no Valentine's Day without desserts! So I'm going to show you how you can make and enjoy an easy Vegan Cake & Cupcake recipe. These are some easy dessert recipes that

3 easy vegan desserts | collab w/healthnut nutrition

3 easy vegan desserts | collab w/healthnut nutrition easy desserts vegan desserts easy dessert recipes vegan dessert recipes healthy desserts valentine's day desserts valentine's day diy treats vegan treats healthy treats no bake desserts raw vegan desserts gluten free desserts homemade desserts diy desserts vegan cheesecake vegan tiramisu vegan carrot cake cheesecake tiramisu carrot cake healthy dessert ideas vegan dessert ideas easy dessert ideas vegan recipes healthy vegan desserts
