The Best Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe!

INGREDIENTS: -2¼ cups self raising flour -1 teaspoon baking soda -3 teaspoons cinnamon -½ teaspoon nutmeg -1 teaspoon salt -½ cup applesauce -1 cup soy milk -2 teaspoons vanilla essence -1 cup caster sugar -½ cup (melted) coconut oil -2 cups grated carrots, tightly-packed -1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -1x 225g tub of Tofutti cream cheese -1/2 cup vegan butter -3 1/2 cups icing

Plant based Carrot Cake || Wholesome Wednesday #2 (easy vegan recipe!)

Plant based Carrot Cake || Wholesome Wednesday #2 ============================= Today we are sharing plant based carrot cake recipe! This is our mothers recipe and she loves to make this for us. It’s a yummy fluffy cake and super easy to make! That why we decided to share it with you! We hope

Hummingbird Cake || Gretchen’s Vegan Bakery

Hey guys! Today I am sharing my recipe for Vegan Hummingbird Cake! A subtle banana pineapple cake filled with cream cheese filling & buttercream icing! CLICK HERE FOR INTRO TO SEASON 8 VIDEO CLICK HERE FOR THE SHORT VIDEO WITH RECIPE ONLY CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE CLICK HERE FOR VEGAN

Date Night with Ellen | CARROT CAKE | Fidel Gastro

Welcome to another episode of Date Night with Ellen. In past episodes Matt has focused on meals and appetizers that he feels would really resonate with Ellen. This time he decided to go for her sweet tooth with a delicious vegan carrot cake recipe. According to food historians the carrot


I had a blast making this delicious carrot cake! It was super easy and fun! I hope you give the recipe a try and make sure to subscribe!! Recipe: Carrot cake 1 1/3 cups flour 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 t baking powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/2 t salt 1 1/4 t cinnamon 1/2

Carrot cake recipe. Vegan

This is my vegan recipe of a carrot cake. Like and subscribe to the channel! :) Written recipe here: Find me on Instagram: kristiinebe :) -- Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 ... Music promoted by Audio Library

Blindfolded Taste Testing | Raw Vegan Carrot Cakes

Wondering if raw vegan food is boring? I love sharing my new passion for raw vegan food with others. RECOMMENDED PURCHASES BASED ON THIS VIDEO: CAKE A - The Fully Raw Diet by Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram CAKE B - Raw Food by Sashia Fraser CAKE C - Raw-Vitalize by Mimi Kirk & Mia Kirk White Disclaimer:

How to Make Raw Carrot Cake Truffles (Vegan + Healthy)

How to make raw vegan carrot cake truffles with a cashew vanilla frosting. Full of heart-healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Can be made as one large cake instead of truffles. FULL RECIPE - Buy book Healthy and Easy with over 100 other plant-based vegan recipes like this -

Vegan Carrot Cakeビーガンキャロットケーキ

お菓子を作りすぎて、激太りしたのでダイエットを始めました…^^; それでもやっぱりケーキが食べたかったので、カロリーや脂肪分をおさえたビーガンキャロットケーキを作ってみました! これを機に、ヘルシーでおいしいビーガンレシピをたくさん開発したいと思います♪ 痩せた私をお楽しみに♪ ビーガンキャロットケーキの作り方 (材料)18㎝丸型1台分またはマフィン型12個分 薄力粉 150g ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1 ジンジャーパウダー 小さじ1 シナモン 小さじ1 室温に戻したビーガンバターまたはサラダ油  60g 豆腐 50g 豆乳 100ml メープルシロップ 100ml すりおろしたにんじん 1本分 ●豆腐クリーム 水切りした豆腐 150g メープルシロップ 大さじ2 レモン果汁 小さじ1 好みでローストしたアーモンドスライス 適量 ①ボウルに薄力粉、ベーキングパウダー、ジンジャーパウダー、シナモンをふるい入れ、ビーガンバター、豆腐を加え、泡立て器でしっかりと混ぜ合わせる。 ②豆乳、メープルシロップ、すりおろしたにんじんを加え、混ぜ合わせる。 ③型に流し入れ、180度に予熱したオーブンで30〜40分焼き、網にとって冷ましたおく。 ④豆腐クリームを作る。 ボウルに水切りした豆腐、メープルシロップ、レモン果汁を入れ、泡立て器でしっかり混ぜ合わせる。 ⑤③のケーキにクリームをのせ、デコレーションする。 ⑥好みでアーモンドスライスを散らせばできあがり! レシピの印刷は以下↓のクックパッドのURLをクリック♪

Vegan Carrot Cake Baked Donuts Recipe

Full recipe and instructions can be found here: You can also find me: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: Google+: Music: Thanks for watching!