I got a lot of requests to do a vegan treat! What's your New Years Resolution?? *BUY Baking All Year Round: WATCH JAKES MOVIE (free): SUBSCRIBE ► WATCH MY LAST VIDEO ► -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE'S LINKS: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY: **BAKING ALL YEAR ROUND**: Baking Line: Nerdy Nummies Cookbook: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD ME ON: Facebook:

【Eng Sub】林茲餅乾 果醬夾心節慶餅乾 沒有蛋、奶油 Linzer Cookies Recipe Dairy Free Egg Free Vegan

材料表 / 文字食譜 【如何關閉英文字幕】 若是用手機看,屏幕左上角控制欄上有三點的按鍵 點開「關閉字幕」就可以看到中文字幕 Linzer Cookies 是奧地利經典的傳統甜點,以奶油、雞蛋和果仁粉製作的香酥餅乾,夾入紅醋栗或覆盆子(樹莓)果醬,熱量很高。以無糖花生醬和植物油為主的沒有雞蛋奶油的配方,一樣鬆酥可口,酥脆的餅乾融合果醬的甜酸滋味,做好的餅乾隔天再吃味道更棒﹗ __ 👇 更多無添加健康食譜 Check out 600+ healthy recipes at 📩 商務合作 請洽 Mr Gary Tong 【YouTube】 【IG】 【Pinterest】 【微博】 【微信公眾號】肥丁手工坊 肥丁料理書 《100%幸福無添加!肥丁手作點心:9大基本點心×63種網友最想學的獨家配方 超人氣零食輕鬆在家做》 ✅ 博客來  ✅ 誠品    ✅ 金石堂   ✅ 城邦閱讀花園 《當令好食》繁體 ~博客來 《当令好食》简體 ~ 京东  用攝影寫的廚房日記 ﹗ 溫暖幸福家常菜,心靈治癒甜品,麵包烘培DIY。廚房味覺實驗室,餐桌迷你攝影棚,味蕾和視覺的雙重盛宴

Vegan Christmas Yule Log!

It's vegan! It's chocolate! It's Christmas!!!!! Tasty Vegan Yule log that looks like an actual log. Tag me in your pictures when you've made yours :) Instagram - Subscribe for more - Vegan Yule log Ingredients For the Cake 120g self raising flour 90g

Vegan Peppermint Cake

Peppermint Cake! This vegan recipe is incredibly delicious and perfect for the holidays. Please go check out my blog ( ) for lots of new updates and recipes that will be shared on there, including the new recipe in this video! Hope you enjoy! ~ Smart Snacking Cake Ingredients: - 1


Hi guys! Christmas is right around the corner, and I'm here to show you that you can make healthy decisions no matter what. This is a simple yet healthy recipe and alternative for the usual high calorie/high sugar holiday treats. Wow your family and friends with this yummy recipe! Thank

Vegan Snowball Cookies // Did I Do It?!

I wanted to see if it were possible to turn an entirely non-vegan dessert vegan. Did I do it? Watch to find out. (These are delicious. If you’ve never had these delightfully crumbly yet soft and nutty cookies, you NEED to try these. Especially if they’re vegan, cause then you’re

chocolate hazelnut thumbprint cookies Something Vegan Christmas Treats Week

RECIPE 3/4 cup organic sugar 1/3 cup non-dairy milk 1/4 cup canola oil (or other neutral oil) 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup finely chopped hazelnuts 1/3 cup vegan chocolate hazelnut spread (I used some made by Justin’s) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Vegan Reindeer Face Cake Cuteness

How to make a Rudolph the Reindeer cake - like the unicorn cakes, but extra Christmassy! It's totally vegan and totally cute... Happy Christmas! Tag me in your pictures when you've made him! :) Instagram - Subscribe for more - Recipe... _____ Jingle Bells by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

Baking Vegan Almond Tahini Cookies | FOOD FRIDAY | Rhiannon Teo

Hi everyone, thank you so much for watching this weeks Food Friday! I hope you enjoyed it and that you try these yourself. They are SoOoOoOo delicious! Please don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it (it really does
