Vegan Ice cream taste test with Rachel David

Rachel David joins Candice on this special episode of The Edgy Veg for a taste test of many of the well known Vegan Ice Cream brands available. WATCH US ON RACHEL'S CHANNEL: SUBSCRIBE TO RACHEL'S CHANNEL: The first brand Rachel and Candice try is the cashew milk frozen dessert, which

Mini Vegan Ice Cream Cakes Recipe | The Edgy Veg

Calling all you Vegans out there that have been craving Ice Cream Cake! Candice has come up with possibly her most delicious concoction yet in the form of Vegan Mini Ice Cream Cakes that you make in mason jars. Full recipe: To put together these Vegan Ice Cream Cakes we

Supplements for vegans | Q & A with Candice | The Edgy Veg

Today Candice is answering your questions! The topics covered today include vegan supplementing, if Candice and James fight over being a vegan and omni couple, and even if they would ever be interested in a 3-way marriage. One of the questions asked was, "What vegan supplements do you take and why".

Vegan Recipe: Make Vegan Bacon Using Rice Paper | The Edgy veg

Bacon is one of the most sought after foods in the entire world. Although not the healthiest food you could be eating it certainly is one of the most delicious. Unfortunately it's off the menu for Vegans and the limited bacon alternatives they have at most health food stores fail

Ginger Tumeric Shots | The Edgy Veg

This episode of The Edgy Veg, at the request of many users, Candice reveals her secret recipe for amazing Ginger Turmeric shots made using a Centrifugal Juicer and a variety of fruits, ginger, and turmeric. The ingredients used to created the Ginger Shot concoction are known for having many desirable

Vegan Pizza Delivery Taste Test | Panago Pizza | The Edgy Veg

In this episode of The Edgy Veg Candice and her friends taste test Panago Pizza. Panago is one of the only Pizza makers in Canada that have an entire line of Vegan pizzas they will actually deliver right to your front door. Check out Candice's Pizza menu hacks here: Learn
