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11 thoughts on “SUPERBOWL SERIES: How to Make Vegan Pizza

  1. Love pesto. Never thought of using it to replace cheese on pizza. Not sure about the cauliflower crust, but I will try it one time. I’ll let you know if I like it. FLY EAGLES FLY! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!

    1. egreenpa the pesto was soooooo good! I feel like you can make The cauliflower crust Work. You know I’m an amateur. Lol

  2. Looks good. Eagles 41 Patriots 33 4th quarter 13…12…11…10…9…8…7..6..5..4..3..2..1. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!! FLY EAGLES, FLY!! We won!

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