Sam Makes Dinner / EASY VEGAN PIZZA

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Hey everyone !

Sam made me an amazing dinner the other day and decided to share it with all of you !
Vegan pizza is one of the easiest things to make. You can literally throw on whatever toppings you want and bake it on some dang good vegan bread. Balsamic vinegar really made the pizza taste professssionnaaallllly made. Here are the ingredients Sam added but you can put whatever you want on yours ! Hope you enjoyed the video, xo

Vegan Focaccia Bread
Sweet Potato
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Artichoke Hearts
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar

Hold Me- Oleos


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11 thoughts on “Sam Makes Dinner / EASY VEGAN PIZZA

  1. advice from an Italian, to make pizza in an alternative way you can use
    very well normal bread and then over tomato sauce (olive oil, pepper and
    salt), vegan cheese and basil, idk if you already now the “pan pizza” but
    it’s basically the same but with bread.
    (Just saying cuz i didn’t see tomato sauce)

  2. WOW i really like this! The editing! and the pizza looks so yummy
    By the way I want to become your YT friend and I just subbed! Mind subbing
    back and checking out my new video? I really worked hard on it…thanks :)

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