My First Vegan Thanksgiving (The BEST Cookies Ever)

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Wishing you guys a great holiday. In this video, I took you guys through my first official vegan Thanksgiving as a plant based eater (Last Year I cheated). I’m thankful for a lot of things, I hope you guys are too! Share down below some of your favorite holiday dishes.

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7 thoughts on “My First Vegan Thanksgiving (The BEST Cookies Ever)

  1. It’s great to see another video…your Mac & cheese looked yummy and so did her sides(hmm you were iffy about the cabbage:)).
    Yes we should count our many blessings which will keep us humble.
    Have a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving!

  2. Everything looked good
    I like you and Ariana
    Together y’all are too cute . I need one of those cookies in my life
    Right now lol

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