Horchata Mexican Rice and Almond Drink (Can be Vegan)

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Horchata is a Mexican drink that is made with rice and sometimes almonds. This particular one has almonds in it. It is a very creamy and refreshing drink for anytime of the year. This recipe is not vegan but it certainly can be. Enjoy!

Makes 6 cups of Horchata
¾ cups (100 grams) of raw almonds
1 cup (210 grams) of long grain rice
1 thick cinnamon stick (or two skinny ones)
3 cups hot water
2 cups cold water
1 cup milk
½ cup condensed milk
3 cups cold water
Agave or organic sugar or simple syrup made with organic sugar
Cinnamon powder

Place the almonds in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Allow sitting for a few minutes. Carefully remove them from the hot water and slip the skins off. Set aside.

Place the rice in a blender, in batches, and blend into small pieces.

Place the rice and almonds in a bowl. Break up the cinnamon stick and add it to the rice. Cover the rice with 3 cups of hot water. Mix it, cool it down, cover it with plastic and place in the fridge overnight OR let it sit at room temperature for at least two hours.

Place the soaked rice, almonds and cinnamon in a blender and blend. Add an extra cup of water to blend.

Pass the blended rice through a very fine sieve — or one with cheesecloth — into a pitcher. If making pops, fill the molds and freeze overnight. If not chill the horchata very well and serve it in a glass full of ice with some powdered cinnamon on top. Enjoy!

Print your recipe here –

Audio files from “audiomicro.com”

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9 thoughts on “Horchata Mexican Rice and Almond Drink (Can be Vegan)

  1. hi I just LOVE you, especially your sense of humor, my name is Diana, Matthew’s wife..  I would like to learn more about ice pops do you have some more recipes please or at least teach what the basic’s are for a milky or fruity ice pop (paleta). your the best.. greetings from Diana (in Ireland)

    1. Hi Diana from Ireland! Thank you for your message. I have a few pops on this channel. You can search from them here or on the website thefrugalchef(com). I am about to publish a  mango and pineapple paleta with milk. Give me a few days. Take care and thanks for stopping by!

  2. your horchata is delicious…  your recipes reminds me of all those home cooked meals thank you for all of them 🙂

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