Delicious Moist Chocolate Vegan Cookies

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Want something sweet, delicious and quick to create? In only 10 min you can whip these up, literally, and enjoy a sweet Raw Vegan no bake cookies! They are so yummy and taste more like raw cake balls. Quick, delicious and good for your body too.

Vegan No-bake Cookies Recipe

2 cups of your favorite raw nuts (you can use raw seeds as well)
1 cup of large pitted dates
1/4 raisins
Blend in a food processor with the S blade.

For Chocolate No Bake Cookies add to the base:
1/4 cup Coconut Sugar
1/4 cup Raw Cacao powder or Raw Carob powder
1 tablespoon Raw Cacao Nibs
Optional: Chocolate flavored stevia
Blend again.
Form into a ball shape and roll into:
2 tablespoons each of coconut sugar, raw cacao powder, and raw shredded coconut

For Apple Cinnamon Vegan No bake Cookies add to base:
1/4 cup Coconut Sugar
1/2 cup crushed or broken up Dried Apples
1/2-1 teaspoon of powdered Cinnamon
1/4 raisins
Blend again.
Form into a ball shape and roll into:
4-6 tablespoons of coconut sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Now enjoy this yummy treat.

For more Master Food Artist tips and recipes go to
Loves to you,
Darlene Loves

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