饼底部分: 高筋面粉160g 全麦面粉40g 温水125g 酵母一小匙 糖一小匙 油一大匙 盐一小匙 ----------------- 番茄酱部分: 番茄900g 橄榄油5大匙 酱油一大匙 糖一小匙 胡椒粉一小匙 蔬菜高汤或水100ml 盐1/2小匙 鲜罗勒或干罗勒适量 ---------------- 素芝士: 无糖豆奶300ml 生腰果40g 蒸熟土豆45g 蒸熟山药25g 营养酵母一大匙 苹果醋或柠檬汁一大匙 白味噌一小匙 盐1/4小匙 大蒜一瓣(可选) ---------------- 披萨蔬菜: 甜玉米 豌豆片 洋葱丝 蘑菇 青椒圈 新鲜罗勒叶或干罗勒 Pizza skin: High gluten flour 160g Whole wheat flour 40g Warm water 125g One spoon of yeast A
VEGAN PIZZA MUKBANG… dating non vegans..
5-Ingredient Sweet Potato Crust Pizza #SoVeganIn5 | In The Kitchen | SO VEGAN
A pizza. In only 5 ingredients! Yes please. The 5 ingredients are sweet potato, oats, passata, vegan mozzarella and fresh basil. You'll also need salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil (we count these as 'extra' ingredients!). Don't forget you can pre-order our debut cookbook #SoVeganIn5 right now. You'll find over 100