Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to stop eating cookies, just learn how to make a healthier version that tastes good and ultimately is better for you in the long run. So here's a delicious, gluten free garbanzo chocolate chip cookie I learned few years back. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chocolate Chip Cookies w/

Kids Baking Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe | Egg free | Dairy Free | Gluten Free

In this video, Kids Baking Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, my son and his friend have some fun in the kitchen making this sweet treat that is also healthy. Follow along and have some fun in the kitchen. Have your kids grab a pencil and write down the ingredients and


Making a Margarette-like Cookie! It is a cookie that is not too sweet and can be properly enjoyed as a snack. The baking time varies depending on the oven, so it is good to bake until the color of the top surface is raised. If the average time is between

Vegan Royal Icing with Aquafaba – Instrumental with Captions

A complete tutorial to making vegan royal icing perfect for gluing gingerbread, making homemade sprinkles, decorating cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and more. Every baker should have this icing in their arsenal. This is the instrumental video for those who don't want to hear my voice. ;) RECIPE: Need a great

Vegan S’mores Cookie Recipe | Vegan Camping Food

Come join me in my kitchen while I show you how to make a delicious #vegan S’mores Cookie! This #recipe will make you feel like you’re around the #campfire If this channel provides you value and you want to help support the process: PayPal- Amazon Wish List: Full Written Recipe: Secrets from

Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cookies Recipe

PREP TIME 10 minutes COOK TIME 10 minutes SERVINGS 2 Ingredients 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 2/3 cup Dutch processed cocoa 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/4 cup mashed avocado 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3

Quinoa Cookies | Vegan & Gourmands

🔻Déroule la barre d’infos 🔻 ► Abonne-toi : ► Retrouve-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux : ✖️ INSTAGRAM : insta_by_pauline ✖️ PINTEREST : ► Bonjour à tous, Je vous présente aujourd’hui une nouvelle recette gourmande, mais saine que vous pouvez consommer (presque) sans culpabiliser, puisque ce sont de super biscuits, riches en bons nutriments. J’espère que

Vegan Royal Icing with Aquafaba – Voiceover Instructions

A complete tutorial to making vegan royal icing perfect for gluing gingerbread, making homemade sprinkles, decorating cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and more. Every baker should have this icing in their arsenal. This is the video with voiceover instructions. RECIPE: Need a great vegan cookie recipe to put your royal icing

3 Healthy Single Serve Desserts | vegan paleo recipes

3 healthy single serve desserts that are vegan paleo recipes! FREE Healthy dessert EBOOK: HEALTHY DESSERTS PLAYLIST: —————————————————————————————————— SUBSCRIBE to my channel! New Videos Every Week: ... TALK TO ME ♡ INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: keepupwithliv FACEBOOK: keepupwithliv PINTEREST: BLOG: GET $5 OFF YOUR iherb ORDER USING THE CODE “QLP983” MOON JUICE COUPON

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe, Ideal VS Reality|LadyMoko

Subscribe LadyMoko👉 I have been looking for a good vegan cookie recipe for so long. I'm obsessed with the soft and chewy cookies! 🍪 I made a small change from the original recipe because there were too much sugar for me. I LOVE this cookies and I finished all of them just

How to make Gluten free Oat meal Cookies【Vegan】 – グルテンフリーオートミールクッキーの作り方【ヴィーガン】

Gluten free Oat meal Cookies - グルテンフリーオートミールクッキーの作り方 シンプルな味付けのグルテンフリーのクッキーです。 ナッツやドライフルーツはお好みのものをチョイスしてください。 ・材料 米粉 100g 葛粉 20g オーツ 80g ヘーゼルナッツ 20g ドライレーズン 30g ココナッツオイル 50g メープルシロップ 70g アーモンドミルク 50g バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1 ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1 塩 少量 ・作り方 1.ココナッツオイルを溶す 2.メープルシロップ、アーモンドミルク、バニラエクストラクトを入れる 3.米粉、葛粉を入れ混ぜる 4.ヘーゼルナッツは砕いておく 5.米粉、葛粉、ナッツ、レーズン、ベーキングパウダー、塩を入れ混ぜる 6.お好みのサイズに等分(6~12個くらいが良い感じです)して、トレーに並べる 7.180℃のオーブンで20分くらい焼きます ————————————————————————————————— Instagram: Facebook : Website : ————————————————————————————————— Music by Ikson()
