3 Cookie Recipes Compared (5 Ingredient vs Vegan vs ULTIMATE)

Ad | Cookies are the ultimate sweet treat and no matter what ingredients you’ve got in your cupboard, one if these recipes should cover you! What’s your go to cookie recipe? Here are the recipes… 5 Ingredient Cookies: Vegan Cookies: Ultimate Cookies: Huge thank you to Kenwood for sponsoring this

PERFECT Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies + TIP! | Easy Vegan Cookie Recipe

What could be better than a couple (or a dozen) 😉 chewy chocolate chip cookies 🍪? Nothing!! This cookie recipe has FINALLY been perfected and I have a special tip for you in this video that will take your cookies to the next level! #vegan #cookies SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE RECIPES! RECIPE: -2 Cups

Vegan Cookies | Cheap | Easy | Good Luck!

These cookies are super easy to make, you probably have most of the ingredients already! They are super chewy and delicious and are not time consuming! ENJOY KITTIES Recipe: PREHEAT 350 'Vegan Cookies' (from an amazing friend) -1/2 cup sugar - 3/4 cup brown sugar - tsp salt - 1/2 cup coconut oil MIX -1/4 non-dairy milk - I

banana nut cookies (vegan & gluten-free) Something Vegan

RECIPE 1/2 cup mashed ripe banana (I used one medium banana) 1/2 cup organic sugar 2 Tbsp. neutral oil (vegetable, canola, or coconut) 2 cups gluten-free oat flour (if not gluten-free, you can replace with 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour) 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup chopped pecans Preheat

4 ingredient vegan energy bars | Samoa cookie style

In this video I make 4 ingredient vegan energy bars. This are very easy to make. I used the same ingredients I use to make samoa girl scout cookies vegan or the caramel delights. The dates give it a caramel taste and the toasted coconut and dairy free chocolate chips

비건 생강쿠키 / Ginger Cookies For Vegan

재료와 비율을 바꿔가며 다양하게 만들어 먹었던 평범한 통밀쿠키예요. 빵도 쿠키도 심심한 걸 선호해서 메이플 시럽을 이용해 달지 않고 은은하게 만들었어요. 이번 쿠키는 팽창제를 빼지 않았고 베이킹소다만 넣었습니다. 베이킹파우더는 알루미늄 프리 제품을 고르셔야 하지만 베이킹소다는 본래 알루미늄이 첨가되지 않아 따로 알루미늄 프리 제품을 구하실 필요는 없습니다. 생강가루를 넣지만 특별히 생강 향이 나지는 않아요. 따뜻하게 몸을 데우는 생강과 계피가 들어가 밀의 찬
