Black Forrest Cheesecake with Waitrose #VEGAN #AD

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Here’s one of the best cakes we’ve made – #vegan Black Forest cheesecake, that we shot with our friends @waitroseandpartners. It makes an epic Christmas dessert and is a real centrepiece. Check out Waitrose & Partners Youtube Channel for more videos.

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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8 thoughts on “Black Forrest Cheesecake with Waitrose #VEGAN #AD

  1. Baking and making desserts isn’t one of my talents, it always turn out wrong. So I am best just buying a premade cheese cake.😢

  2. OOOooofffffffzzz holy snrf most ultradeliciouzzz cake in all galaxiezzz i’m not hungry at all but i got erection far this cake i need thiz everyday with my teaz and coffeez far sure MMMmmmzzzz OOOooooofffffffff 😍🎂😝😍🎂😝😍🎂😝🤩🎂😝🤩🎂😝🤩🎂😝💘💚💚💚👅🍵🍒🌱🎂🌰🌱☕️👅💚💚💚💘

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