Vegan Pumpkin Spice Donuts Recipe | Celebrate Fall Vegan Style | The Edgy Veg

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In celebration of Fall, one of most beautiful seasons on the planet, Candice brings you a perfectly timed recipe for Vegan Pumpkin Spiced Donuts. What better way to usher in a new season than with a doughnut?


Recipe for crispy vegan bacon here:

As many of you are no doubt aware Fall has officially “fallen”. September 22nd was the Fall Equinox and that means not only will the leaves be changing but so will the food we are all eating on a regular basis. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are officially on sale at coffee shops around the globe and the production of pumpkin pies is about to reach it’s yearly high in preparation of the biggest holiday in Fall, Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is primarily known as the one day of the year you can eat as much Pumpkin Pie as you want without feeling the least bit guilty about it. Here’s the good news, you don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to get your hands on some pumpkin flavored goodness. If that weren’t enough to inspire truly unadulterated fall happiness it’s also Vegan!

To make these Pumpkin Spice Old Fashioned Donuts you will start by mixing all of your dry ingredients. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, nutmeg and pumpkin spice into a medium sized mixing bowl. Whisk all of these ingredients together thoroughly and then set them aside to make room for your wet ingredients.

In another medium sized mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 tbsp of butter, and 2 eggs worth of egg replacer. Mix all these ingredients together thoroughly as well. Be sure not to make the same mistake Candice did and use the bowl for your stand mixer to put all your wet ingredients together. If you do, you’re going to have to take them out and put them into a separate bowl for the next step in the recipe.

Put your dry ingredients into your stand up mixer’s bowl. Begin mixing and add in about 1/3 of your wet ingredients. You will also add a fair amount of Vegan Sour Cream to the mix, just refer to the video for the proper amount. Also add in pure pumpkin puree. A note here regarding your pumpkin puree. Be sure you are actually buying pure pumpkin puree, or alternately making your own pumpkin puree from a real pumpkin. Do not use pumpkin pie mix from a can for this recipe, it will turn out entirely too sweet. Now add in the remainder of your wet ingredients and keep mixing until well combined.

Once mixed cover your mixing bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for about an hour. While you let your mixture turn into proper dough you’ve got plenty of time to whip up a glaze for your Pumpkin Spice Donuts. Start with another medium sized mixing bowl and add a fair amount of powdered sugar to it sifting it through a strainer as you go. Add maple syrup to your powdered sugar followed by pumpkin pie spice and finally vanilla. Mix all of this together until you reach a smooth, glaze like consistency. Set this aside as you will definitely be needing it later.

Now pull your doughnut dough out of the fridge and roll it out flat. Do yourself a favor and flour the counter first, surely you know this trick but it’s crucial in the prevention of a huge sticky dough mess. Once rolled out follow Candice’s lead and find some dishware with top circumferences that would make good doughnut sizes. Use those to cut your donuts, as well as your doughnut holes, out of the rolled out dough. This would be a good time to heat up the oil for frying your donuts. If you don”t have a deep fryer Candice strongly recommends getting one. However, those of you without a deep fryer simply need to heat up 2-3 inches of oil in a medium sized pan.

Cook your donuts being careful not to overcrowd them. Overcrowding them will cause them to take longer to cook and in turn they will be too oily. Nobody likes extra oily donuts, period. Once cooked toss them onto a paper towel lined baking sheet to soak up the excess oil and while still hot dip one side of the doughnut right into the glaze. After that put them onto the cooling rack.

At this point you can enjoy them as is if you feel compelled. You did after all just create a delicious, pumpkin flavored, glazed doughnut. No one would fault you for eating it immediately. Candice however likes to add a little something extra to hers. She tops hers with coconut bacon, a sure fire way to lure the carnivores in your life into eating these Vegan Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts.

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7 thoughts on “Vegan Pumpkin Spice Donuts Recipe | Celebrate Fall Vegan Style | The Edgy Veg

  1. LOVE ALL YOUR FOOD!! So naughty though haha I am a vegan vlogger from
    London, would love it if you can check out some of my videos!! <3

  2. love you channel, your food always looks so amazing! I made vegan Boston
    cream donuts but the filling was to liquidy and was absorbed by the donut !
    any suggestions would be awesome!

  3. ????? holy donut I’m in love! I don’t even care that I live on a
    Caribbean island, I’m gonna make these and pretend I’m in a place with a
    fall season? ? ? ✨

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