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This was my live stream from YouNow where I discuss the debate between Vegan Gains & Ask Yourself and Roaming Millennial & Ranting Monkey. I mainly discuss different moral arguments about veganism because I didn’t watch the full debate. I also discuss some of the comments/questions that came up on my last video response to Roaming Millennial. I RECOMMEND WATCHING AT 1.5x OR 2x SPEED!!

NOTE: I do apologize for being a bit all over the place and some of the footage being choppy – this is what happens when I’m live and don’t have the ability to edit! I noted some time stamps so if you want to skip to different parts of the video, go ahead.

1:08 – Overall thoughts on some of the debate
3:56 – The belief that human lives are more valuable (The emotional bias vs. factual superiority – there is a difference)
8:18 – Intelligence & (lack of) range of emotions don’t justify cruelty…
10:38 – “humans are better because we built skyscrapers”
12:22 – if human beings went extinct… (this part here – I’d like to clarify that it may not be the case that every other being would benefit, but there are cases to be made that human extinction WOULD benefit many species over a long period of time.)
14:28 – “if there was a puppy or a child drowning, which would you save?”
18:43 – “if you were stranded on a deserted island and the only thing you had to eat was meat…”
20:40 – but plants though… and plants have feelings though… plants are living though…
24:40 – When people argue that vegans are angry
27:00 – Most vegans did not want to be vegan at some point…
29:07 – We need to look at the world from a non-biased perspective.
34:20 – “if you want to be vegan, that’s fine. Just don’t confront flesh eaters”
36:19 – “but animals eat other animals too…”
39:36 – If you were to step outside and you didn’t know what animal you would end up being on this planet, what kind of planet would you be okay with?

The debate –

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  1. First thing – I got a bit heated in this livestream (cause it’s a livestream and I am a lot more all over the place haha) so I do apologize if I didn’t get all the points across in the most productive way possible, but check out the description if you want to jump to some different points of the video

    Second thing – the point I mentioned about how human extinction would greatly benefit the planet; now that I think about it, I’m sure there would be some harm involved to some species if humans did become extinct all of a sudden (especially in the beginning) so I may have said something factually incorrect here. But I think it’s not hard to believe that if human beings were to “go extinct” there would definitely be a lot of benefit to many different species out there especially after a period of time. My point of using this argument was to prove that we can look at things from various different perspectives and using the “humans are superior because we built skyscrapers” is just one side of the argument.

    Third thing – have a great weekend <3

  2. Roaming had mentioned Oysters. “If eyes are windows to the soul, then scallops are very soulful. They have eyes all over their bodies to help them see and escape from predators. 2. Similar to turtles, when oysters sense danger, they hide inside their shells, which snap tightly shut.” I think it really comes down to compassion. There are a number of issues that need to be considered in who we eat. Should pain be the hook on which we hang our decision to eat another animal?

  3. you only watch 10 minutes of the debate, yet you post a 42 minute video as a response? you probably owed it to your audience to watch the entire debate.

  4. I agree. Ask yourself was the most calm and clear and attempted to keep the discussion on track. I hope that there will be another debate with Roaming Millenial. Would you be up for it??? Most of the roaming millennial arguments are those used against women, jews and black slaves in recent history.

  5. I get that there are over zealous vegans and vegetarians who are annoying. I’ve quit following and watching some who went to the extreme, because it was too annoying and gruesome. I get what they are trying to do and why they are upset, but it’s too much for me. But out of all the veggies and vegans, which is already such a small percentage of the population, the extremists seem to be a small percentage of us.

    Meanwhile when I went veggie 13 years ago (14 yr old) I was constantly criticized, ridiculed, had meat shoved in my face and people would try to trick me and add it to my food (these were adults, mind you). I could not eat with another person (aside from 2 people) without being confronted for my decision to not eat meat. I NEVER insulted another person for eating meat or said a damn thing about it, I never made anyone change where we ate or what was cooked. I was quiet and wouldn’t make a fuss at all and I don’t really bring it up unless someone asks me why I wont eat the meat they cooked and I politely explain I’m veggie, but I STILL get shit all the effing time. I grew up in a rural area where people raise their own animals to slaughter and eat. I was constantly told, “If you can’t handle it, don’t eat it.” I think I called their bluff. I was supposed to fall in line, but I couldn’t and I wouldn’t.

    It was alarming to me at how quickly I was attacked for choosing not to eat meat without ever attacking anyone for continuing to eat it. It’s just frustrating and I don’t have any veggie friends to talk about it with, so I appreciate these types of videos for helping me understand why some meat eaters might feel the need to go on the offensive and attack first, even though I never would have and never did attack them.

    In my experience meat eaters don’t seem to realize they are being just as extreme and annoying as the vegans they think are out there. Honestly, the people that treated me this way, didn’t know anyone but me who was veggie and the Internet/social media wasn’t really a big thing yet. So it’s just extra annoying.

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