Thai “Chicken” Pizza // Easy Vegan Recipe

Before going vegan, CPK's Thai chicken pizza was my OBSESSION. Now I'm making a completely cruelty-free version, complete with a homemade whole wheat crust! I hope you enjoy. :) Pizza Dough Recipe (for 4 crusts): 2.5 cups warm water 2 tbsp oil or Earth Balance 1 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp active dry yeast 2 tsp

Vegan Pizza! California Style Thai Tempeh Pizza (Veganized CPK)

Homemade pizza beats out frozen or takeout any day of the week; not only in flavor but in cost effectiveness as well. This recipe is a take on the classic CPK Thai Chicken Pizza. Here, I’m swapping out the chicken for protein-packed tempeh. You could use any other protein of
