Quinoa Cookies | Vegan & Gourmands

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Cinnamon Bun Cake

This moist cinnamon layer cake is filled with cream cheese icing, iced with more cream cheese icing and topped off with my most recent recipe for cinnamon bun cookies! CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE CHECK ME OUT ON PATREON SUPPORT ME ON PAYPAL Check out my new book available on Amazon!

biscoff cupcakes Something Vegan

RECIPE 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 cup organic brown sugar 3/4 cup non-dairy milk 1/2 cup creamy Lotus Biscoff cookie butter 1/3 cup neutral baking oil 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. vanilla extract Frosting: 2 cups organic powdered sugar 1/3 cup creamy Lotus Biscoff cookie

Cinnamon Waffle Cake // VEGAN RECIPE

I cannot explain how I only had one slice of this cake the day it was made (of course it got demolished within a couple of days - and I live alone). It took all the willpower to force myself to have a proper meal and not eat cake for

Greek Cinnamon Cookies – Koulourakia Vegan (Nistisima)

Greek Cinnamon Cookies - Koulourakia Vegan (Nistisima) Greek Cinnamon cookies with their wonderful smell, baked during Lent where people are fasting are the promise that Easter and Spring is approaching. Their unique taste and unforgettable aromas of cinnamon and orange that fill the house is inextricably linked with wonderful memories

Vegan Eggnog | Glow

'Tis the season to sit by a warm fire with a cup of creamy eggnog. If you're dairy-free and looking for a delicious alternative, this vegan eggnog will hit the spot. Made with all things coconut, a hint of vanilla, and loads of holiday spices, you'll go just as crazy

Rosemary Almond Milk | Vegan Recipe

PLEASE THUMBS UP & SUBSCRIBE to see more videos. More healthy lifestyle videos will come. Enjoy your drink, Loves... Music Info: Eka Gustiwana Night Flood at Jakarta (Instrumental Piano)
