How To Stretch Vegan Neapolitan Pizza Dough

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Learn how to stretch Neapolitan pizza dough. Get the full recipe for the dough, vegan “buffalo mozzarella”, and sauce in “Sexy’s Best, Vol. 1: Seriously Legit Vegan Neapolitan Pizza”

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4 thoughts on “How To Stretch Vegan Neapolitan Pizza Dough

  1. You have more to learn. Your dough keeps shrinking back. The dough is
    suppose to stretch very easily. You need to rest it longer .

    1. Also you baked it too long. You can see your cheese in a blob and dry. If
      you rest your dough properly, and stretch it out thinner, it will cook
      faster. Less cooking time means your dough wont get as dry in the oven.
      Long baking time also dries out the cheese. Buffalo mozzarella is the best
      mozzarella for neapolitan pizza and its suppose to be silky smooth, your is
      not as can see in the video. Goodluck

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