How to make Vegan Birthday Cake

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5 thoughts on “How to make Vegan Birthday Cake

  1. Love your tutorials Billie, but i’m vegan intolerent. So, i’ll pass on this one. Nothing against vegans, but I will never make a vegan friendly cake. Life is too short. I’d be eating a plate of lambs liver watching this, and that would be sinful.

  2. Wow thank you for sharing!! I know a few people who are intolerant but didn’t know where to start so this will be very helpful x

  3. Fabulous!! I bake for a little boy who is not only vegan but also has a severe nut allergy which i have to be extremely vigilant about.

  4. You can also use margarine that actually is dairy free so you can use stork the one thats for cakes and buttercream so yummy Iol x

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