Chocolate Caramel Cakes! Awesome! Vegan!

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Chocolate . . . on top of caramel . . . on top of shortbread . . . YES PLEASE!!!




150 Non-dairy butter *
75g Caster sugar
275g Plain flour
Pinch of salt

200g pitted dates (220g for a firmer caramel)
150g Non-dairy butter
150g Light soft brown sugar
2 tsp Caramel flavouring (optional) (or vanilla essence perhaps)

200g Plain/Dark Chocolate (CHECK INGREDIENTS)
A sprinkle of chopped hazelnuts (optional)

Baking dish (mine is 22x22cm OR 8.5×8.5 inches)
Baking paper


1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F)
2. Mix the butter and sugar into a smooth paste.
3. Add the flour and salt and mix until well incorporated.
4. Roll the mixture between your thumb and fingers to make it more fine.
5. Butter or oil a baking dish and place baking paper inside. The butter/oil will hold the baking paper to the dish.
6. Pour in the shortbread mixture, even it out, press it with your fingers then a flat-bottomed glass (or similar) until it’s fairly solid. Prick the top with a fork all over.
7. Put into the oven for 20 to 30 mins or until the edges start to turn golden-brown.
8. Allow to cool in the fridge.

1. Chop the dates into small chunks. This makes it easier to blend them later.
2. Add all of the caramel ingredients to a saucepan. Put on a medium heat, stirring until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Just takes a couple of minutes.
3. Pour the mixture into a blender and blend until it’s smooth.
4. Pour evenly onto the shortbread base, getting into all the corners.
5. Place in the fridge for around 20 mins (or until it’s touch dry) before pouring the chocolate over.

1. Break the chocolate up into a bowl.
2. Put it into a microwave at half power for 30 seconds then mix. Microwave for another 15 seconds and mix. Repeat the 15 seconds, mix, 15 seconds, mix procedure until the chocolate has melted.
3. Pour the chocolate evenly over the shortbread/caramel. Use a spatula or similar to spread the chocolate evenly over the whole thing.
4. OPTIONAL: Sprinkle some chopped hazelnuts or whatever you like on top.
5. Place in the fridge or freezer until the chocolate has set.

1. Use a serrated knife to make all the cuts through the chocolate first. Then use a regular knife to get through the caramel and the base. Using a regular knife on the chocolate will push down on the chocolate, causing the caramel to squeeze out.
2. Store the finished cakes in the fridge, otherwise the caramel will melt.

– I used 200g of dates in mine which made a squeezey gooey caramel. Use 220g for a slightly firmer consistency.
– You can freeze these. Just let them thaw in the fridge for a few hours whenever you want some.
– Be careful about getting the baking paper stuck in the shortbread mix. You don’t want a mouthful of baking paper . . . do you?

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8 thoughts on “Chocolate Caramel Cakes! Awesome! Vegan!

  1. Your shit blender has the same name as me, lol but that doesn’t matter as you’re still my favourite Youtuber 😉 Another great recipe, you should write a book

    1. Your’re very welcome, haha :)) But I must really thank YOU for making me laugh with all your videos. If ever I’m down or pissed off at work, (or both), I know I can slap on one of your vids and it’s guaranteed to make me smile each time. The bonus is that I’m also learning to cook great vegan food at the same time, woohoo !!

    2. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m sorry dude. I’m sure you’d do a much better job at blending than my blender. Aaah this made me giggle. Thank you 🙂

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