Best Vegan, Sugar-free,Gluten-free, Chocolate Cake: Whole Food Plant Based Recipes

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Here it is finally, after many years of trying to make the perfect healthy chocolate cake without it tasting like a healthy cake and I know you all know what I mean there. You can either eat a vegan cake that isn’t necessarily good for you or you can eat a cake that looks like a cake but tastes like a healthy cake. Can’t we just eat our cake and not feel guilty about eating it or needing to take a nap an hour later? Yes you can! This cake will make you feel like you are cheating but trust me, it’s all goodness.

For complete recipe visit:

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10 thoughts on “Best Vegan, Sugar-free,Gluten-free, Chocolate Cake: Whole Food Plant Based Recipes

  1. I just subscribed 🙂 This looks so good! If I don’t have a gluten sensitivity can I use whole wheat all purpose flour or pastry flour? Gluten free baked goods usually have a slightly gummy/dense texture which I don’t prefer.

    1. dll6384
      Yeah, it’s a bit dense. But I am always trying to create recipes that are nutrient dense but will also work for people that have all the crazy allergy stuff.🤗

    2. The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show Thanks for the quick reply. I definitely will… does your recipe have that dense/chewy texture at all?

    3. dll6384
      I haven’t tried it but I don’t know why it wouldn’t work. Give it a try

    1. KJ Hasler
      My blender is a Blendtec professional 800. Cashews are actually a seed, not a nut like tree nuts( almonds, walnuts, pecans )

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